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Aly Halvorson

My daughter Hartley and I have been members of the LG Fitness family since October 2016. To say LG is just another gym would be a huge understatement. They’ve been with me while I regained strength and confidence after giving birth to my baby girl. They’ve been with me when we got the news about our two-year-old becoming a Type 1 diabetic. Dillon and Leslie have been with me and customized my workouts since getting the news that we are expecting another baby. And I will forever be grateful for how the entire LG family has been with me since loosing my mom unexpectedly a few short months ago. I received an overwhelming amount of love and support not just from Leslie and Dillon but from all the members of the LG family and I continue to feel that love every time I walk into the space.

I can’t even count how many times LG fitness has picked me up off the floor after feeling like I’ve had nothing left in my physical and emotional tank. Without this place I don’t know where I’d be.

“This isn’t just my gym for now, it’s my gym for life.”


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